

From Kubbwiki

In this article you will find all information about the Kubb tournament SPAIN CHAMPIONSHIP BEACH KUBB 2016.150x100px Das Wikingerschachturnier wird zum 1ten mal ausgetragen. Als Austragungsort ist El Campello - Alicante in Spanien vorgesehen. Es ist ein Ranking Turnier für die Kubbwiki Champions 2016.Here you have the opportunity to contribute more information yourself. Enter your knowledge here. This alone will help the Kubb sport..


logo 150x100px
KubbTournament Name (History) Icon Turnier Historie.png SPAIN CHAMPIONSHIP BEACH KUBB
Year 2016
Number 1
type Meisterschaft
KW Champions evaluation ✔ Yes
TOP_Turnier evaluation points 1,111 CP
Tournamentbeginning 2016/07/03
number of Players 3
Kubbrules unbekannt
Kubbfield length 8 meter
place of event
Kubbfield Kubbground sand Gelb

Flagg Spanien.png

city Information El Campello - Alicante
Google Maps


Campello - Alicante,Spanien El Campello - Alicante
address Google Maps

Playa de Mutxavista de El Campello, zona deportiva junto a la oficina de turismo
Die Karte wird geladen …
Nation Google Maps

Organisation Asociación Española de Kubb - AEK
Contact unbekannt
Telephon ?
E-Mail ?

itemscope: ✔ Yes

In diesem Artikel findet Ihr alle Informationen über das Kubbturnier SPAIN CHAMPIONSHIP BEACH KUBB 2016 in El Campello - Alicante, Spanien. Kubbturnier, Wikingerschachturnier, Sportveranstaltung, Kubbspielen, Kubb, El Campello - Alicante, Sport Kubb SPAIN CHAMPIONSHIP BEACH KUBB 2016 Asociación Española de Kubb - AEK 2016/07/03 2016/07/03 El Campello - Alicante Playa de Mutxavista de El Campello, zona deportiva junto a la oficina de turismo Spanien

Kubbwiki is not the organizer. For this information is not guaranteed. Please ask all questions sent to the organizer.

Team + Ranking

points: 22

place logo Team - Kubbwiki points evaluation Update
1.Gold1.jpg Team.jpg Los Burlaos del Pollo Frito - 61 ✔ Yes
2.Silber1.jpg 40x40px Los Frutis - 60 ✔ Yes
3.Bronze3.jpg Team.jpg Sapena y Bartú - 59 ✔ Yes
4.Metall1.jpg Team.jpg Juan Manuel - Mariflor - 58 ✔ Yes
5 Team.jpg Juanki - Sergio - 57 ✔ Yes
6 Team.jpg Rosa - Luis - 56 ✔ Yes
7 Team.jpg Godos - 55 ✔ Yes
8 Team.jpg Nico - Lalo - 54 ✔ Yes
9 Team.jpg Alicia - Francisco - 53 ✔ Yes
10 Team.jpg Arancha - Luis - Patricia - 52 ✔ Yes
11 Team.jpg Reme - Gabri - 51 ✔ Yes
12 Team.jpg Nieves - Enrique - 50 ✔ Yes
13 Team.jpg Javier - Sara - 49 ✔ Yes
14 Team.jpg Ana - María - Francisco Javier - 48 ✔ Yes
15 Team.jpg Michel - Sergio - Jorge - 47 ✔ Yes
16 Team.jpg Alex - Sergio - 46 ✔ Yes
17.Lilla1.jpg Team.jpg Sara - Anna - 45 ✔ Yes
18 Team.jpg Kike - Marta - 44 ✔ Yes
19 Team.jpg Jose - Ana - Joan - 43 ✔ Yes
20 Team.jpg Pedro Pérez - Javier - Jony - 42 ✔ Yes
21 Team.jpg Los Vicentes - 41 ✔ Yes
22 Team.jpg Javier - Mayte - 40 ✔ Yes


Für die Veranstaltung SPAIN CHAMPIONSHIP BEACH KUBB 2016 sind 0 Spiele verzeichnet.


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Wertungen im Rahmen von Wettbewerben, die über ein einziges Event hinausgehen.

Kubbwiki champion.png


Zum Thema: SPAIN CHAMPIONSHIP BEACH KUBB 2016 sind auch diese Artikel zu beachten:





Bewertung des Events:

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Tournament History

Informationen zu Turnieren aus der Vergangenheit.

weitere Kubb Tournament

 Has yearHas turnier gesamt cp
Spain Kubb Championship Beach 201720171,365


Gold1.jpg Sieger der letzten Jahre

2016Los Burlaos del Pollo Frito
2017Los Burlaos del Pollo Frito
2019NO LO SE

Silber1.jpg 2.Platz der letzten Jahre

2016Los Frutis
2017Tavernes Beach Man
2018Los Toledanos

Bronze3.jpg 3.Platz der letzten Jahre

2016Sapena y Bartú
2017Kubb Tavernes Playa
2018Tavernes Beach Mix
2019Los Frutis

Metall1.jpg 4.Platz der letzten Jahre

2016Juan Manuel - Mariflor
2017Dani - Patricia
2018José María – Adrian




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'Team + Ranking'

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Unter der History findest Du auch die Angaben über die ersten Plätze im SPAIN CHAMPIONSHIP BEACH KUBB der letzten Jahre. Dort findest Du auch Links direkt zu den vorherigen oder kommende Turnieren.

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In diesem Artikel findet Ihr alle Informationen über das Kubbturnier SPAIN CHAMPIONSHIP BEACH KUBB 2016 in El Campello - Alicante, Spanien. SPAIN CHAMPIONSHIP BEACH KUBB 2016 2016/07/03 2016/07/03 Kubbfeld El Campello - Alicante El Campello - Alicante Playa de Mutxavista de El Campello, zona deportiva junto a la oficina de turismo Spanien



PURPOSE: Kubb is a skill throwing game where everyone can enjoy. The objective of the game is to knock over the kubb blocks on the opposing side and then knock the king over, before the opponent does. Game time can vary from 5 minutes to well over an hour.

GAME COMPONENTS AND PLAYING FIELD: The playing court is 8 x 5 meters *. The game materials are made of wood and are as follows: 1: King 9x9x30 cm. (6'5x6'5x30 cm.) 2: Kubb / Kubbar. 10 units 7x7x15 cm. (5x5x15 cm.) 3: Batons, 6 units Ø 4 cm. 30 cm long. (Ø 3'2 cm.) 4: Corner stakes marking the playing field, 4 units.

  • Initially we will play in the beginners size 6m x 4 m

In parentheses official minimum sizes, suitable for beginners and playing mixed or intergenerational groups.

MAIN RULES: 1.- Kubb is played between two teams (in order to simplify the explanation: Team A and Team B) with any number of players. Each team has its own baseline, and owns the portion of the field that goes from the baseline to the king. 1a.-We will play in pairs or trios only mode (male, female or mixed) 1b.-We will play in pairs mode: male, female and mixed 1c. We will play in pairs only mode (male, female or mixed) 1d.-We will play in team 2/6 mode: male, female and mixed 1e.-We will play in team 2/6 only mode (male, female or mixed)

2.- All team members are required to throw the same number of batons (if possible). The throwing sequence is arbitrary.

3.- Batons must be thrown underarm and should be perpendicular to the ground. Rolling them like a propeller is banned.

4.- Kubbs must be thrown underarm, but may rotate in any direction if wished.

5.- Determining sides an order. Each team chooses one player as a representative and selects a baton. On the count of three they each throw a baton; the team whose baton is closest to the king (without knocking it over) chooses whether they want to start or choose the baseline to defend.

6.- The game is by turns. At the beginning, Team A throws the six batons from behind its baseline, attempting to topple the base kubbs on the opponent’s baseline. 6b.- In the champions mode, the team that starts the game will throw 2 batons. The opposing team starts with 4 batons to throw. After that the throwing of the 6 batons starts.

7.-Then Team B gathers any base kubbs toppled during the turn and throws them into Team A’s half of the pitch (these are called field kubbs). 8.- Then they are placed by any of its square bases (footprints) at the discretion of the player of Team A. 9.- Two possibilities to place the kubbs within its area are allowed, otherwise Team A will place the kubb within its field at least one baton-length from the king. This is called a punishment kubb. 10.- A kubb is considered to be within the boundaries of the pitch if it can be raised by a square base (footprint) and remains inside. The line always corresponds to the field that it limits. 11.- Pieces that fall over due to force majeure (e.g. wind) are not considered and should be placed back in their original position. 12.- When the last field kubb and then a base kubb are toppled in the same throwing action, this is considered correct as the field kubb (which was the last one) was toppled before the base kubb.

13.-Then is the turn for Team B, repeating the above steps. From then on, the team in turn must topple the field kubbs prior to knocking over the base kubbs on the defenders baseline. 14.-They can throw anywhere behind the field kubbs placed in their half of the pitch.

15.-When a team topples all the kubbs of the opposing team, retreats to its baseline and attempts to topple the king. 16.- The game is won by the team who topples the king. 17.- However, if a team topples the king at any time prior to toppling all the kubbs then that team immediately loses the game.

18.-We play best-of-three games, alternating the team who starts. 19.-We will play the lightning mode. One single game will be played, setting a maximum game time that can vary from 15 to 30 minutes. When time runs out the team that holds more base kubbs wins. In case of a draw an attempt to knock over the king will take place as decided at the start of the game.

20.-Tie-break rule or “fast kubb” mode. In exceptional cases, the tiebreaker rule can be applied. In this case, a toppled field kubb is out of play after a certain game time or once knocked over, as agreed at the beginning of the game.

21. Members of the teams can throw out from the sidelines but at least one foot must be placed behind the baseline.

22. Kubb in School Recreational Sports Events for Equality in the Community of Madrid. Pitch: 6m x 4m. Members of the team: 6 players (3 boys and 3 girls). Alternative throws in each team until throwing the 6 batons. The purpose of the game is to topple the king, but firstly the team should knock over the kubbs on the defenders baseline. Field kubbs are not considered in this game mode. However, if a team topples the king at any time prior to toppling all the base kubbs then that team immediately loses the game.